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How to Never Forget your Million Dollar Idea

How to Never Forget your Million Dollar Idea

We all have epiphanies from time to time, don’t we? A brilliant flash of inspiration that glows bright with the potential to change the world! (Or at least your life in a deep, significant and meaningful way) But then what happened? Did you work to manifest your dream...
Craft your External Brain with 3 Effective Tools.

Craft your External Brain with 3 Effective Tools.

“If our mind had a mind, it would remind us!” – David Allen, Getting Things Done® Your mind is strange and wonderful! It is more complex than a powerful super-computer yet in some ways it is quite vulnerable. It can plan out a 50 person anniversary party in great...
Inbox Zero: How to Achieve This Zen State

Inbox Zero: How to Achieve This Zen State

‘You have got mail!’ Once upon a time, this simple line used to fill us with excitement and anticipation. The internet was young and the concept of almost real time communication was a huge paradigm shift from the days of the snail mail. Well, fast forward to 2015 and...
GTD® Rocks India – Our First Live Seminar

GTD® Rocks India – Our First Live Seminar

Firsts are always special and memorable. Aren’t they? Your first salary, your first house, your first car…..!! On 19th of April, I and Ali, we delivered our first GTD Seminar. We’ve been practising the GTD framework for almost ten years now and have...