GTD and Getting Things Done are registered trademarks of the David Allen Company.

The Calm Achiever® Partnership Program:
A Business Opportunity for Entrepreneurs

By becoming a partner you earn rewards for every successful referral to a Getting Things Done® workshop.

GTD is practiced in top organizations in India

What is Getting Things Done® (GTD®)?

GTD® helps individuals, teams, and organizations manage their focus and workflow, so they get more of the right things done, and with a lot less stress.

Getting Things Done Training is based on productivity guru David Allen's New York Times bestselling book, Getting Things Done: the Art of Stress-Free Productivity.

Since 2015, Getting Things Done® has grown significantly around the country.

2000+ GTD Practitioners
Adopted by top companies in India including Deloitte, Barclays Bank, Embassy Group
A growing community of trainers in Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi & Hyderabad




Benefits of joining the Partnership




Get a Free seat at a 1.5-day GTD Workshop
Association with an international brand GTD
Earn a commission on a successful referral to workshops.

Strengthen your relationship with the existing network of business contacts


Learn More About Becoming a Partner