by Mohammed Ali Vakil | Sep 1, 2020 | GTD
The lockdown due to the ongoing pandemic has seen my routines go for a toss No social meetingsNo travelingNo chit-chat with gym buddies! Do you have a similar story to tell? Like most of us, I too am working from home. Though, at the moment, life does not...
by Mohammed Ali Vakil | Jun 9, 2020 | GTD
I had unwavering focus. Nothing could distract me. What normally would take me weeks, I can get done in an hour. My attention was so acute, I felt like I had the attentive power of Buddha himself. This is how I am studying on the last day just before an important...
by Mohammed Ali Vakil | Jun 3, 2020 | GTD
This is a common sight at Indian Railway stations. That’s how porters carry luggage from one’s car to their carriage. A participant at my last workshop shared a lovely analogy: “Imagine you’re travelling by train, you notice a passenger seated...
by Mohammed Ali Vakil | Feb 26, 2020 | GTD
Imagine you’re in an amusement park with the most fantastic rides. Each ride offers you a thrilling experience. And you want to experience them all. But… you just have 30 mins. That’s time to enjoy only one. You’re not sure when you’re...
by Mohammed Ali Vakil | Feb 18, 2020 | GTD, Holacracy
I used to think that the key to success was just hard work. Meaning the more time and effort I’d put in, the greater the output. I wasn’t completely wrong, but I realized over time while working hard is important, it only gives incremental benefits. Have you heard of...
by Mohammed Ali Vakil | Feb 3, 2020 | GTD
In almost every GTD workshop I’ve facilitated, I get asked “Ali, what tools do you use?” I hesitate to answer because I don’t want people to think its the tools that makes one productive. It’s how you use the tools. Remember, Leonardo Da...